Thursday, January 28, 2016

SPOTLIGHT! Diecast Masters on Pinterest

Diecast Masters on Pinterest

MiniMovers is now also active on Pinterest with a selection of the photos from the MiniMovers website News; Latest Additions; Latest news from CCM and Diecast Masters, My Collection-divided into the different catagories machinery and Events can be seen in separate Pinterest boards.

Of course you can follow us or simply add theimage button your favorite Diecast Masters photo on your own Pinterest board.

It is you the choice. Enjoy!


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

NEWS FLASH! Website Diecast Masters is LIVE!

Diecast Masters was established through the acquisition of the Caterpillar® scale model businesses of both Norscot and Tonkin Replicas. Though new as a licensee, the management team at Diecast Masters draws on a legacy with Caterpillar Inc. that extends more than a quarter century.

Diecast Masters has in advance of the worldwide release of her collection, tomorrow, 27th january 2016, at the Spielwarenmesse 2016 just launched her new website with their first Caterpillar scale model catalogue with many big surprises in their 1:50 Construction Diecast Series. Small hit: Check out the cabins!!
Curious? Check out the Diecast Masters website !

Sunday, January 24, 2016

NEWS FLASH! Stichting BouwmachinesvanToen

There are a few things to change in BouwmachinesvanToen and for the reason of this change, we must return to the end of the year 2014, when in Harderwijk, The Netherlands, after 40 years the Weg & Bouw Museum has to close its doors. Some part from the machinery disappears to other museums, but the major part of the construction equipment collection is stored.

Now, beginning in 2016, we are pleased that we can inform you that the Stichting (Foundation) Weg & Bouw Museum has been acquired and continues as:

Stichting BouwmachinesvanToen

This with a new board that has the plan to show the machinery collection on a newly developed site in Vinkel, The Netherlands, here the aim is to bring the equipment back in good working condition so that a kind of "working museum" arises , future plans for this are further developed and implemented.

The new board consists of:
  • Huub van Dijk - chairmanimage
  • Adriënne Ploegmakers - treasurer
  • Anton Monshouwer - secretary
  • Ad Gevers - board member
  • Gilbert Ploegmakers - board member
  • Dirk Hoeke - board member
  • Niels Hoeke - board member
The "museum" will continue under the new name: "BouwmachinesvanToen Collection" and the website under the name "BouwmachinesvanToen Archive". Both will have their own website and facebook page.
We will keep you up to date on the progress.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

SPOTLIGHT! Caterpillar cADSttachments on Pinterest

MiniMovers Caterpillar cADSttachments on Pinterest

MiniMovers is now also active on Pinterest A selection of the photos from the MiniMovers website News; Latest Additions; Collection-divided into the different catagories machinery and Events can be seen in separate Pinterest boards.

Of course you can follow us or simply add with theimage button your favorite Caterpillar cADSttachments photo on your own Pinterest board.

It is you the choice. Enjoy!


Thursday, January 14, 2016

NEWS FLASH! MiniMovers visits IMC Models Spielwaremesse 2016

This year will be the first time that IMC Models will be present with a booth at the International Toy Fair aka Spielwarenmesse, held from January 27 to February 1 2016, in Nuremberg, Germany.

The team of IMC Models will be present at the show to present the latest IMC Models releases and update you about the company plans for 2016.

If you are as curious as I'm what IMC Models will reveal there is only one way to find out and just do what I'm going to do:

Visit the IMC Models booth in Hall 7 A-48


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

NEWS FLASH! Bauforum24 Relaunch!

Bauforum24 the German-speaking forum for building and construction machinery. Over 25,252 members, more then a half million messages across 60,000 topics. Clearly divided into a portal, forum and its own web TV channel you are not easily bored.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

NEWS FLASH! Diecast Masters Spielwarenmesse 2016

Diecast Masters was established through the acquisition of the Caterpillar® scale model businesses of both Norscot and Tonkin Replicas. Though new as a licensee, the management team at Diecast Masters draws on a legacy with Caterpillar Inc. that extends more than a quarter century.

The next big event is coming soon: Only 16 days and counting down...

imageThe first time that Diecast Masters will be present with a booth at the International Toy Fair aka Spielwarenmesse held from January 27 to February 1, 2016, in Nuremberg. The owners of Diecast Master will be present at the show to present the Diecast Masters models and update you about the company.

Diecast Masters has in advance of the worldwide release of her collection at the Spielwarenmesse 2016 released their first Caterpillar scale model catalogue with many big surprises in their 1:50 Construction Diecast Series.

What to think about the Caterpillar D9T Caterpillar Track-Type Tractor, Caterpillar "F" series Hydraulic Excavators, Caterpillar 745C Articulated Dump Truck and the Caterpillar CT680 and CT681 On-Highway Trucks just to name a few!

If you are as curious as I'm what Diecast Masters will reveal there is only one way to find out: Visit the Diecast Masters booth in Hall 7 B 88.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

ANNOUNCEMENT! Wheel Loader Bucket with teeth [GEM 1:50]

Gaz Evans has announced in a unique collaboration with Jason NIkl a new Wheel Loader Work Tool Attachment in 1:50th scale within his custom Gaz Evans Models (GEM)Collection:
  • Wheel Loader bucket with teeth #GF45
The products; boom kits and Work Tool equipment made by GEM for your Hydraulic Excavators in 1:50th scale are for some time on the market and are known for their faithful reproduction, functionality and outstanding value for money and are exclusively for the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany offered through GiftDigger. A must have for every collector!

This Wheel Laoder with teeth is made specifically for the Tonkin Replicas Caterpillar 950K, 966K and 972K Wheel Loaders with quick coupler.

Progress photos, dimensional details, prices, quantities and the delivery schedule delivery dates will be posted on our website when available.

Highly recommended!

Monday, January 4, 2016

SPOTLIGHT! Caterpillar 660 in BAGGERMODELLE 1-2016

imageThe latest edition of BAGGERMODELLE will be out soon! The magazine presses are running while you are reading this. The Magazine will be available half way January 2016.

One of the highlights in this issue, among other interesting articles, is the special about the Caterpillar 666 Scraper which is recently released from Classic Construction Models in their limited edition diecast series in 1:48th scale.

The single engine Caterpillar 660 Scraper shared many parts with the twin powered Caterpillar 666 as well as similar capacity: 40 yards struck and 54 yards heaped. Equipped with a 560 HP V8 engine and the proven self-adjusting power-shift transmission, the Caterpillar 660 Scraper could reach a top speed of 42 mph. This 55 ton and nearly 60 foot long machine was a very capable earth mover, though the most efficient way to obtain maximum fills included the assistance of two Caterpillar D9’s or similar dozers. A contractor’s favorite.

Learn more about this full-color magazine for collectors? Take a look at BAGGERMODELLE Or even better,
Follow my choice: Yes, I want to subscribe to BAGGERMODELLE!


Saturday, January 2, 2016

NEWS FLASH! The making of... a DJB D550 Articulated Dump Truck

Custom scale model builder Gertjan shows you one of his latest projects: Building a DJB D550 Articulated Dump Truck by using the custom kit from Les Miniatures du Faubourg (MDF) in 1:50th scale.

Today is the start of this "The making of... a ". Gertjan will take the coming period the original kit from Les Miniatures du Faubourg in hand and makes as we all know him some major adjustments at some points and improves to end up as accurate as possible.

It is our goal for the coming period in the "The making of...DJB D550 Articulated Dump Truck” to show you how this custom model will be achieved. You will be amazed with the high standards he sets!

Gertjan will share his building skills through its construction photos with little notes to keep us informed of the building process. Gradually it shows the making of a unique model of the DJB D550 Articulated Dump Truck.

Enjoy reading & watching!

Gertjan and Wouter